भा.कृ.अ.प. - भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान संस्थान | ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Agricultural Extension

Dr Satyapriya , Head and Principal Scientist
head_exten[at]iari[dot]res[dot]in, satyapriya[at]iari[dot]res[dot]in

A full-fledged Division of Agricultural Extension came into existence in October, 1960 and the first Head of the Division and other staff were appointed. Prior to its establishment, the institute’s extension efforts under ‘Intensive Cultivation Scheme’ were spearheaded by the Division of Agronomy assisted by team members of staff and students drawn from other divisions of the Institute with the active cooperation and support of Delhi Administration. The extension activities of the Institute were strengthened in 1955-56 under the Second Five Year Plan, when students began to be admitted for the post graduate education in Agricultural Extension leading to the Diploma of Associateship, and subsequently, to the award of M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees of the Institute. 

The Division of Agricultural Extension has made significant stride since inception in 1960 in development of effective paradigm and prototype for research, relevant curriculum and methods of teaching and training, models and framework for information and technology dissemination as well as service provision and generation of successful cases and methodologies of agricultural and rural transformation. For last sixty years with its vision, action and notable attainments, it has been carrying out a flagship role for extension profession.

Ever since its marvel conceptualization of framework for National Demonstration Project in 1964 - 65 for dissemination of High Yielding varieties and related package of practices, the Division has continued to envision newer approaches and models of enhancing effectiveness of extension organizations; capacity building of extension professionals, master trainers and farmers; participatory technology development and transfer; farming system development, entrepreneurship development  and gender empowerment. A number of extension approaches and methodologies were experimented and developed by the Division which in due course became basis and forerunner for many extension programmes and activities in the country.

Recognizing the Division as the paragon of professional excellence in agricultural extension, Indian Council of Agricultural Research entrusted it with the coveted responsibility of serving as  “Centre of Advanced Studies” since 1994; which was later rechristened as “Center of Advanced Faculty Training”  in April, 2010; for playing a leadership role in undertaking capacity building of  the extension professionals and development agents of different extension systems like ICAR Institutes, SAUs, State Line Departments, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Farmers’ Training Centres, and Voluntary Organizations in the areas of extension research, teaching, training and transfer of technology.

The Division continues to strive for the growth of extension profession with sustained research and quest for advancement in extension education models and methods  as well as pro-poor approaches for sustainable livelihoods with following mission and vision.

Our Mission

To carry out basic and strategic research in the areas of extension education.

To carry out post-graduate education programmes leading to the degree of M.Sc. and Ph.D. in agricultural extension to meet the trained man-power requirements of agricultural universities, research institutes and other development departments.

  • To carry out advanced National and International training programmes to impart knowledge, skills and desired orientation to the persons engaged in teaching, research and transfer of technology so as to improve their efficiency and effectiveness and to selected farmers to enable them to assume the roles of community leaders.
  • To render expertise support and advisory and consultancy services to extension activities of the institute.

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research

Pusa Campus,
New Delhi - 110012
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